About Credit Suisse AG

Credit Suisse AG  provides companies, institutional clients and high-net-worth private clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland, with advisory services, comprehensive solutions, and excellent products.

Credit Suisse IT globally operates data centers with over 26,500 servers and a storage capacity of over 28,000 Terabytes. We utilize several mainframe computers with a total computing capacity of 78,000 MIPS (of which 60,000 are located in Switzerland). We aim to build and operate an integrated and highly efficient IT infrastructure with a global coverage, as a firm with global commitments to climate protection and operational ecology. We are greenhouse gas neutral in Switzerland since 2006 and on a world-wide basis since 2010. We continuously aim to leverage leading edge energy efficient computing environments. For further information see:

GreenDataNet activities

Credit Suisse DCFM (Data Center Facility Management Switzerland) will provide knowhow in maintaining a large Data Center Infrastructure across many generations of servers and other legacy and modern IT Infrastructure, having one goal in mind: to utilize the available resources like Space, Power and Cooling to their best advantage but always keeping the financial aspect in mind.

Credit Suisse may provide utilized data center space to test measurement equipment developed by EPFL and GreenDataNet under the current codename PMSM - Power Monitoring System & Management.

Expected benefits

Enhancing the current energy and climate (temperature/humidity) measurement in the Data Center to allow further concentration of the existing and future IT infrastructure to a smaller footprint in a secured and controlled way. When the results of the project are fully implemented, Credit Suisse expects to operate data centers in an even more energy- and cost-efficient way.

Previous experience

In Switzerland, CS is involved in projects such as Nano-Tera and EcoCloud and within the Credit Suisse decentralized IT Development Centers (one of which is located on the campus of EPFL) in many research and development projects.